Essential Navigation & Seamanship
This two-day theory course offers a really good introduction to navigation and safety awareness for new or inexperienced skippers and crew, and is also for those simply wanting to refresh their skills for sailing, motor and powerboating.
It can also be used to compliment the Powerboat (Level 2, Intermediate and Advanced), Start Yachting, Helmsman and Day Skipper courses.
- No age restrictions, No pre-course experience or assumed knowledge required
- RYA introduction to Navigation
- Duration: 2 days, Daily start and finish time: 09.30 – 17.00hrs.
- Charts and Publications, Safety, Engine checks, Buoyage, Tidal awareness, Visual and electronic navigation, Pilotage, Rules of the road, Anchoring, Weather forecasts, Passage planning
- Please contact us with the dates you would like to do this course and we will try to arrange this for you.
Navigation for Day Skipper
This Day Skipper Theory course is a comprehensive introduction to sail or motor cruising for inexperienced skippers and equips you with sufficient knowledge to navigate within familiar waters by day. This can either be a stand-alone 5-day course or supplement the Day Skipper Sail and Motor practical week.
- No age restrictions, No pre-course experience or assumed knowledge required
- RYA Navigation Handbook, RYA Navigation Exercises, RYA Weather Handbook, RYA Sail Cruising Log Book, RYA Motor Cruising Log Book, RYA Manual of Seamanship by Tom Cunliffe
- Duration: 5 days, Start and finish time: 09.30 to variable.
- The Day Skipper Theory Certificate is awarded on successful completion
- Basics of seamanship, Essentials of coastal navigation and pilotage, Chartwork, Electronic charts, Position fixing, Plotting a course to steer, Weather forecasting and meteorology, Tides, Collision regulations, Construction, parts and equipment of a cruising boat, Emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, safety harnesses, lifejackets and life rafts
- Please contact us with the dates you would like to do this course and we will try to arrange this for you.
Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper
This six-day Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper Course is advanced training for more experienced skippers wanting to learn how to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. The course starts with a revision of the basics in navigation theory and quickly moves on to advanced navigation, meteorology, collision avoidance, safety at sea and passage planning. This course provides theory knowledge to the standard required for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams.
- No age restriction, Courses completed: at least to the level of Day Skipper
- RYA Navigation Handbook, RYA Weather Handbook, RYA Sail Cruising Log Book, RYA Motor Cruising Log Book, Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road by JWW Ford, Yachtmaster for Sail and Power by Alison Noice
- Duration: 6 days/46 hours study plus exams on extra day, Daily start and finish time: 09.30 to 17.00.
- Position fixing, Course shaping and plotting, Tidal knowledge, Use of almanacs and admiralty publications, Electronic position finding equipment, Taking and interpreting forecasts, Plotting weather systems, Weather predictions using a barometer and by observation, Collision regulations, Customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
- The Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster Theory Certificate is awarded on successful completion of a moderated examination. Candidates successfully completing this course often go on to take the Yachtmaster sail or motor examination. See Yachtmaster examination preparation weeks for more information.
- Please contact us with the dates you would like to do this course and we will try to arrange this for you.
Yachtmaster Ocean – Celestial Navigation
A course in astro navigation, worldwide meteorology and passage planning, which also unravels the mysteries of the sextant. This advanced course is for those aspiring to blue water cruising and is ideal for holders of the Yachtmaster Offshore certificate who are preparing for their first ocean passage. This course involves astro-navigation, ocean passage making, worldwide meteorology and electronic navigation aids – it also includes time learning the practical application of a sextant. Note: If you are working towards your Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence, completion of this shore-based course exempts you from the written exam.
- Age: 18 years
- Hold a DoT Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate issued prior to 1973 or an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. An RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper Certificate does not qualify.
- A restricted (VHF only) Radio Operators Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range Certificate or higher grade of marine radio certificate. Candidates must also hold a valid first aid certificate.
- Ocean passage as skipper or mate of watch
- The candidate must have been fully involved in the planning of the passage, including selection of the route, the navigational plan, checking the material condition of the yacht and her equipment, storing spare gear, water and victuals and organising the watch-keeping routine
- During the passage a minimum non-stop distance of 600 miles must have been run by the log, the yacht must have been at sea continuously for at least 96 hours and the yacht must have been more than 50 miles from land while sailing a distance of at least 200 miles
- All qualifying sea time must be within 10 years prior to the exam
- RYA Astro Navigation Handbook
- Sextant (these can be provided if you do not have one. We also sell the excellent Davis Mk15 sextant from stock), Notepad and lined or graph paper
- Duration: 5 or 7 days (five days of shore-based theory training and an optional 1 or 2 days at sea taking sights), Course start and finish time: 09.30 to 17.00.
- The earth and the celestial sphere, Practical guide to use and care of sextant at sea, Meridian altitudes, Sun, star and other sights, Ocean passage planning, Learn to use a sextant, Examination process
- The Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Certificate is awarded on successful completion of the examination
- Following the successful completion of this course, and the submission of a sun-run-sun sight, compass check and details of your qualifying passage, you will be eligible to book an oral exam with an Ocean examiner to become qualified to skipper a yacht worldwide.
- Please contact us with the dates you would like to do this course and we will try to arrange this for you.